My sister is great at reminding me that I need to write another post...
Crazy how time gets away from many things I constantly have swirling in my noggin of all that I should do or need to get done. (blogging being one of them) There is always another load of laundry, another bag to pack or unpack, it feels like we are always on the go, or the complete opposite, hangin in the loft for little peanut to have some good down time, just her daddy and i. I know the times we are living now are ones that I will wish for again come 5 years from now. There is always a part of me that is nostalgic for the past. And these moments with Liv as a baby girl will be one of those times in life I will wish for again in the future. So for now, while I have her little, I'm reminded to enjoy where we are RIGHT now, hold her a little longer, enjoy every minute with her even in the wee hours of the night when she's waking up a little extra because of teething, and kiss her tiny little soft cheeks a few extra times a day. (this little girl gets kissed A LOT). I'm okay with letting the laundry wait sometimes at this season in my life. Or else I need to stay up a couple extra hours a night to get these household things done...
Life flies by, on Sunday October 2nd she will be 4 months old. There is so much change in her that takes place weekly, daily even. She becomes more aware of her surroundings every single day. She loves pulling and grabbing her hanging toys and ends up getting pretty frustrated with them I think because she's waiting to hear them talk to her... She grabs things I put in front of her and puts them directly into her mouth, she's a little drool queen right now, but quite the talker and the fusser at certain times of the day. Also, blowing bubbles and spitting at me is her way of having conversation with me. It's the cutest thing and it makes me laugh. Definitely my fault since i've been doing that to her since day one. She's so smiley in the morning, and the best part about this past month is hearing her giggle for the first time. It usually happens when I startle her and say peek-a-boo, or peek my head over her crib after she's been playing with her furry friends...What can I say, I'm completely in love and obsessed with my daughter. We took her to her first Giants game at the beginning of September, and sadly they lost but we had a lot of fun. She stared at me the whole time from her Ergo seat and it cracked us up. I was wearing a hat and I think she was pretty curious about it. We took her to Santa Cruz this past weekend and she had her first experience on the beach and I think she quite liked it. ( :
We're so in love with her. She's the best thing that has EVER happened to us. As crazy as it may sound, Pete and I talk about having a big family and already somewhat planning on our next babe. Obviously we want to wait a little while and enjoy our time with Liv, but part of me would love to just grow our family quickly over the next 5 years. Pregnant next fall? Maybe just maybe....I love it that we have friends and cousins who are talking about starting their families soon too. Exciting times...
Pete is currently looking into a business opportunity in the foothills, which would take us out of the city and closer to my family. I think we would look at living in Nevada city/Grass Valley area if this business opportunity goes through. Right now its all in the works, and beginning stages but we shall see what happens. Never really imagined myself in that area, but you never know what life has in store... For now we are enjoying this beautiful Autumn weather in the city, taking lots of walk in the Marina, and hikes in Marin. I finally sent in my check for state board so I should be a licensed esthetician in the next few months after passing my test. I'm so excited for the upcoming holiday season, the Fall decor is out and the Halloween costume is in the works.
So much to look forward to but most importantly enjoying the moments RIGHT now, and the season we are in RIGHT now, watching Liv grow and seeing our relationship with one another grow and mature as well. All we have is right now...and learning to live in the moment is a great thing to get ahold of...